Matthew Reilly Wiki
Matthew Reilly Wiki

The MIR-4 Deep Sea Rescue Vehicle is a Russian-built variant of DSRV.

Fictional History[]

Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves[]

In October of 2010, two MIR-4 DSRVs were being secretly transported on the cargo freighter Okhotsk to be sold to paramilitary regimes in Africa. However, the Okhotsk was hijacked during its journey by the up-and-coming terrorist group known as the Army of Thieves, and the MIR-4s, along with several other pieces of military equipment, were stolen.

After the Army of Thieves took control of the old Soviet facility on Dragon Island, so that the Army could use the atmospheric weapon to destroy most of the northern hemisphere, all of their men and equipment, including the MIR-4s, were transported to the island.

After the Army's presence on Dragon Island was discovered by the Russian and American governments, a nearby SEAL team led by Ira "Ironbark" Barker was dispatched to infiltrate the island and disable the Tesla device. Upon entering a partially-sunken submarine dock, Ironbark and his men noted the presence of the two MIR-4s that had been reportedly stolen by the Army months earlier.

In the following hours, Marius Calderon had one of the DSRVs loaded onto an Antonov stored in one of the island's hangers as part of his back-up plan should the Schofield's team somehow thwart his primary plan.

When Calderon was forced to go to his back-up plan, he prepared a Russian warhead with one of the red uranium spheres to detonate once the Antonov flew deep enough into the gas cloud. After arming the warhead, and after seeing Schofield and Typhon fall out the back of the cargo bay, Calderon had the DSRV winched backwards so that it would fall into the ocean below. As he prepared to pilot the submersible away, Calderon felt the concussion wave of the warhead, and realised that Schofield had managed to ditch it into the ocean.

Meanwhile, having forced the island's megatrain to derail into the ocean, Mother spotted the MIR-4 still stored in the submarine dock. Upon hearing Schofield call that they had to escape the island, Mother dragged the wounded Baba into the MIR-4 and set off, managing to get far away enough from the impact of the nuclear missile that had been sent to destroy the island.

After the incident, the CIA claimed that they had found Calderon's submersible, and that its had malfunctioned after the warhead's blast, with Calderon having apparently suffocated inside. Schofield suspected that, in reality, the story had been concocted to cover for Calderon, whom had more likely managed to escape.




